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Peter Murtagh is the oldest firm of Chartered Valuation Surveyors in County Cavan and  provides an unrivalled range of Professional Services.

Acquisitions & Disposals

We will evaluate your options and advise on the opportunities available.  Information is presented to enable you to make sound business decisions whether buying or selling.


We will advise about adapting this method of marketing to dispose of your Real or Personal Property.

Compulsory Purchase Orders

CPOs are utilised by Statutory Bodies to acquire land & property for the provision of services.  We have the knowledge and experience to deal with the complex procedures and the rules for assessing compensation.


We know the general procedures and can give good directions in the area of seeking a mortgage.


We know the general procedures and can give good directions in the area of seeking a mortgage.


At Peter Murtagh we look after an extensive portfolio of Commercial, Agricultural and Residential property for landlords. We advise on Landlord and Tenant Matters / Lease Renewals / Rent Reviews / Licences etc.


Rates were established as a form of taxation. Commercial property rates are payable to the Local Authority.  There is a complex series of procedures for dealing with Rating Appeals and it is essential that all appropriate steps are properly adhered to. 

We have the experience and the information to quickly advise whether or not the Valuation Office assessment on your property is fair and if it is worth appealing.


There are many reasons for requiring a valuation of property assets, but whatever the purpose, the key to its accuracy is the availability of information and the experience of the valuer. Peter Murtagh is an RICS Registered Valuer and prepares Red Book Compliant Valuations and is one of the largest providers of property valuation services in the region.The practice has built up an extensive integrated database of comparable evidence to support your property valuation.

For a consultation about our services click the button below.

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